

Medium-pressure UV lamps

Optimised for your application

For you - our whole range of products 

We manufacture hundreds of lamp types with various optical, thermal, electrical and mechanical properties, depending on performance requirements and UV applications.

Our perfectly matched ELC product line ensures the longest possible operating life of the lamp: Lamps from 50 mm to 3000 mm arc length with an output range from 1 kW to 40 kW and power densities up to 300 W/cm.

eta plus - our name is our principle!



UV spectrum

In medium-pressure mercury lamps, a plasma that emits UV light is generated by applying electrical voltage. Unlike most other UV sources, the medium-pressure lamp (MPL) has a polychromatic spectral distribution from 190 nm up to the infrared spectrum. The distribution of energy over the wavelength ranges is depicted on the left.

The UV light radiation properties of standard mercury lamps relate directly to the radiation characteristics of atomic mercury. The spectral emission depends on the properties of the plasma, such as temperature, pressure and atomic as well as molecular content. Far infrared radiation is generally determined by the temperature of the lamp body that lies at approx. 600 °C up to a maximum of 900 °C. The typical UV efficacy for different lamp types can be found in the table below.

Doped lamps: targeted wavelengths – perfectly matched

The values shown are averages, they vary depending on operating conditions and lamp fillings. Non-doped medium-pressure mercury lamps mainly emit in the UVC spectrum. They are ideal for disinfection purposes or graphic applications.

By adding dopants such as iron, gallium or indium the spectral radiant power can be significantly varied. The emission can be tuned to the specific action spectra required for each application. Typical spectra are shown on the following pages. The UVC, and especially the wavelength range below 230 nm, can be enhanced by tuning the quartz and plasma properties.
